Key Path (Click to sort ascending) | Timeframe (Click to sort ascending) | Source (Click to sort ascending) | Category (Click to sort ascending) | Status (Click to sort ascending) | Group (Click to sort ascending) | Tiers (Click to sort ascending) | Milestone (Click to sort ascending) | Metric Trend Dashboard | Product Categories |
The ID of the license | none | license | subscription | active | group provision | premium | <13.9 | Metric Trend Dashboard | plan_provisioning |
The peak active user count. Active is defined in UsersStatistics model. | none | license | subscription | active | group provision | premium | <13.9 | Metric Trend Dashboard | plan_provisioning |
The number of seats included in the license | none | license | subscription | active | group provision | premium | <13.9 | Metric Trend Dashboard | plan_provisioning |
The date the license starts | none | license | subscription | active | group provision | premium | <13.9 | Metric Trend Dashboard | plan_provisioning |
The date the license ends | none | license | subscription | active | group provision | premium | <13.9 | Metric Trend Dashboard | plan_provisioning |
The plan of the GitLab license | none | license | subscription | active | group provision | premium | <13.9 | Metric Trend Dashboard | plan_provisioning |
Whether this is a trial license or not | none | license | subscription | active | group provision | premium | <13.9 | Metric Trend Dashboard | plan_provisioning |
Date the trial license ends on | none | database | subscription | active | group provision | free | <13.9 | Metric Trend Dashboard | plan_provisioning |
Number of all billable users (active users excluding bots and guests). | all | database | subscription | active | group provision | premium | 14.0 | Metric Trend Dashboard | plan_provisioning |
Licensee Information | none | license | subscription | active | group provision | premium | 14.4 | Metric Trend Dashboard | plan_provisioning |
The number of active users existing in the instance. This is named the instance_user_count in the Versions application. | none | database | subscription | active | group analytics_instrumentation | free | <13.9 | Metric Trend Dashboard |