Key Path (Click to sort ascending) | Timeframe (Click to sort ascending) | Source (Click to sort ascending) | Category (Click to sort ascending) | Status (Click to sort ascending) | Group (Click to sort ascending) | Tiers (Click to sort ascending) | Milestone (Click to sort ascending) | Metric Trend Dashboard | Product Categories |
The number of Duo Enterprise seats assigned to users | none | system | standard | active | group provision | premium | 17.5 | Metric Trend Dashboard | |
The number of Duo Enterprise seats purchased | none | system | standard | active | group provision | premium | 17.5 | Metric Trend Dashboard | |
The number of Duo Pro seats assigned to users | none | system | standard | active | group provision | premium | 17.5 | Metric Trend Dashboard | |
The number of Duo Pro seats purchased | none | system | standard | active | group provision | premium | 17.5 | Metric Trend Dashboard | |
The MD5 hash of license key of the GitLab instance | none | license | standard | removed | group provision | premium | <13.9 | Metric Trend Dashboard | plan_provisioning |
Licese zuora_subscription_id | none | license | standard | active | group provision | premium | <13.9 | Metric Trend Dashboard | plan_provisioning |
When the EE-specific features were computed | none | system | standard | active | group analytics_instrumentation | premium | 13.0 | Metric Trend Dashboard | |
The SHA256 hash of license key of the GitLab instance, for identification purpose | none | license | standard | active | group provision | premium | 15.2 | Metric Trend Dashboard | plan_provisioning |
List of add-ons in the license | none | license | standard | active | group provision | premium | <13.9 | Metric Trend Dashboard | |
When the Usage Ping computation was started | none | system | standard | active | group analytics_instrumentation | free | 8.10 | Metric Trend Dashboard | |
GitLab instance unique identifier | none | database | standard | active | group analytics_instrumentation | free | 9.1 | Metric Trend Dashboard | |
Host name of GitLab instance | none | system | standard | active | group analytics_instrumentation | free | <13.9 | Metric Trend Dashboard | |
When the core features were computed | none | system | standard | active | group analytics_instrumentation | free | 13.0 | Metric Trend Dashboard | |
Version of GitLab instance | none | system | standard | active | group self_managed | free | <13.9 | Metric Trend Dashboard | build |
Edition of GitLab such as EE or CE | none | system | standard | active | group self_managed | free | <13.9 | Metric Trend Dashboard | build |